skip to main content ict forum integration of ict in education and training in africa --! français english search form 7 - 9 june 2016, heden golf hotel, abidjan home about the forum about the forum expected outcomes thematic areas structure participants organizers press corner news read in the press press releases photos videos programme documents 2 nd african ministerial forum on ict integration in education and training 7 - 9 june 2016, abidjan, côte d'ivoire “advancing inclusive knowledge societies in africa to implement africa’s agenda 2063 & the sdgs” theme of the forum ministerial forum structure of the forum innovation & partnership exhibition socialization and networking events side meetings 2 ème forum ministériel africain sur l’intégration des tic dans l’éducation et la formation 7 - 9 juin 2016, abidjan, côte d'ivoire « vers des sociétés du savoir inclusives en afrique pour la mise en œuvre de l’agenda 2063 pour l’afrique et des odd » thème du forum forum ministériel structure du forum exposition sur l’innovation et le partenariat événements de socialisation et de réseautage réunions parallèles report of the second ict ministerial forum: english | french presentations are available under the menu programme forum news short-term international consultancy gesci is looking for education expert to write blogs and to facilitate a webinar in the leadership network for sustainable development. deadline for submission is 27 january 2017... read more >> blog: exchanging knowledge in abidjan what i learned at the 2nd african ministerial forum on ict integration in education and training. michael jung read more >> ict tools provide big impact in developing education in africa the 2nd african ministerial forum on ict integration in education and training was held in abidjan, ivory coast 07 - 09.06.2016... read more >> view all read in the press afdb: african ministerial forum stresses urgency to accelerate ict integration in education to achieve africa’s agenda 2063 and the sdgs wednesday, 22 june 2016 stefano de cupis, infosnews: conclusion du forum ministériel africain : il est urgent d’accélérer l’intégration des tic dans l’éducation pour faire avancer la société du savoir et réaliser les objectifs de l’agenda 2063 de l’afrique et les odd tuesday, 14 june 2016 enoh eric afdb: ict in education is needed for african graduates to compete for jobs globally, forum hears monday, 13 june 2016 stefano de cupis, ferme engagement de l’afrique à intégrer les tic dans l’éducation et la formation friday, 10 june 2016 © ministères par dr view all live updates tweets by ictined_africa videos interview with h.e. ms. kandia kamissoko camara, minister of education, côte d'ivoire interview with mamadou n'doye on lessons learned of the forum conclusion by jérôme morrissey, ceo gesci see more videos >> photos 07 june 2016 08 june 2016 09 june 2016 see more >> see more >> see more >> organizers sponsor platine sponsors publications ict in education in sub-saharan africa: a comparative analysis of basic e-readiness in schools information and communication technology (ict) plays an ever important role in increasing economic productivity through digital economies, enhancing the delivery of public and private services and achieving broad socio-economic goals in education, health care, employment and social development... world bank (2007): study of ict and education in africa this 2007 study, based on country studies conducted by the world bank in 53 countries, offers a snapshot of the use of ict in africa’s education sector. the document reviews the strategies and policies in use at the time, but it also identifies challenges and constraints in this area, based on observation of the real situations met in the field... transforming education: the power of ict policies (unesco, 2011) in 2011, unesco published the results of its program of research, consultation and dialogue on policies regarding ict in education... success stories ict in education according to unesco ict can contribute to universal access to education, equity in education, the delivery of quality learning and teaching, teachers’ professional development and more efficient education management, governance and administration... the portuguese experience: an ambitious policy with definite impacts in 2007, portugal launched its technological plan for education (tpe), intended to overcome its poor ranking on european indicators of technological modernization. the government invested €700 million over a three-year period to achieve an ambitious set of objectives... lessons learned from the ground in order to give participants a broad perspective, the forum will present a wide range of experiences from africa and other regions of the world, including argentina, côte d’ivoire, finland, guinea-bissau, kenya, lebanon, madagascar, niger, senegal and uganda... contacts general coordinators: brahima sangaré , men cote d’ivoire tarek chehidi , gesci shem bodo , adea focal points: aboubacar coulibaly , men cote d’ivoire patti swarts , gesci borel anicet foko tagne , afdb aissatou sow , intel fengchun miao , unesco papa youga dieng , oif warren la fleur , microsoft external relations & partnerships: ramata almamy mbaye , adea media: stefano de cupis , adea thanh-hoa desruelles , gesci the first forum adea website contact us login © 2016 association for the development of education in africa (adea)
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